Les apprentissage à l'âge adulte, qu'en disent les personnes avec une déficience intellectuelle? (7146)

Début / Fin
01.11.2011 - 31.07.2014
Domaine(s) d'expertise
Santé mentale et psychiatrie
Situations de handicaps, incapacités
Sources de financement
Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique (FNS), division Sciences humaines et sociales (division I)
Petitpierre Geneviève
Gremaud Germaine (HETSL)
Collaboration de
Bruni Ivo
Veyre Aline (HETSL)
Do_Apprentissages.pdf (pdf3 Mo)
Site dédié à cette recherche


This project will endeavour to fill a gap in the current state of knowledge. It will try to find out how people with an intellectual and developmental disability view lifelong learning and their ability to learn as adults. 60 individuals with an intellectual and developmental disability, 30 of whom have Down's syndrome, will be interviewed.

The research will focus in particular on the way these individuals view lifelong learning for adults and how they think they make use of what they learned at school. The study will seek to establish wether people with and ID continue to see themselves as still learning once they are adults, and to determine the extent to which the enjoyment derived from basic lifelong learning is to be considered in relation to these perceptions. Finally they will be asked about their intentions as regards lifelong learning, and about their views on the resources required to achive theses objectives.