In developing feminist interventions, we want to build bridges between feminist research and social work. This approach brings together researchers and field professionals to think about and implement practices that promote equality.
Among the activities planned to date are conferences, training days and the setting up of a feminist research partnership.
Some examples of published (French) feminist research partnerships :
"Le projet Dauphine : laisser la parole aux jeunes femmes de la rue et agir ensemble pourlutter contre la violence structurelle par l’entremise de la recherche-action participative"
Catherine Flynn, Dominique Damant et Geneviève Lessard. Recherches féministes, vol. 28, n° 2, 2015, p. 53-79.
Bessaïh, N. (2013) Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 32(2), p.130-134.
Penser l’intervention féministe à l’aune de l’approche intersectionnelle : défis et enjeux.
Corbeil, C. & Marchand, I. (2006). Nouvelles pratiques sociales, 19(1), p. 40-57.
And a useful tool (french only):
A Guide to Participatory Feminist Research by Myriam Gervais, Sandra Weber and Caroline Caron