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Conférence "Death education, social workers and research : a teaching experience in a Master program in Switzerland" dans le cadre de 14th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal, à Bath (Angleterre)

Début - Fin
04.09.2019 - 07.09.2019
Mandant / Organisation
University of Bath
Berthod Marc-Antoine, Magalhães de Almeida António, Pillonel Alexandre

Conférences "The role of medical examiners in the standardization of assisted suicide in Switzerland. An expression of biopower ?" et "The postmortem monitoring of legality : assisted dying and corpse removal" dans le cadre du CDAS Conference 2018 "The Politics of Death", à Bath (Angleterre)

Début - Fin
07.06.2018 - 10.06.2018
Mandant / Organisation
University of Bath
Berthod Marc-Antoine, Pillonel Alexandre
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