Les particularités cognitives dans le trouble du spectre de l'autisme : la théorie de l'esprit et les fonctions exécutives

Cognitive particularities in autism spectrum disorder: theory of mind and executive functions

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterised by a qualitative impairment in language acquisition, social interaction and by the presence of inflexible behaviour and stereotypy. A few cognitive impairments are also associated with the disorder. This paper examines social cognition in autism (the theory of mind and emotion understanding) and executive functions. We presented social cognition and executive tests to 15 children with ASD and 59 typical children. Our results show difficulties in social cognition for children with autism, with more difficulties in theory of mind than in emotion comprehension.

Children with ASD present many difficulties in executive functions, specially flexibility and planning. Results are discussed for intervention programs for these children.


Cette publication est issue de la recherche "L'évolution de la cognition sociale et des fonctions exécutives chez les enfants atteints d'autisme: étude longitudinale et comparative" (7086).

Cartier-Nelles Brigitte
Guidoux Anne
Wiesendanger Sandra
Recherche(s) en relation

Thommen, E., Cartier-Nelles, A., Guidoux, A. & Wiesendanger, S. (2014). Les particularités cognitives dans le trouble du spectre de l'autisme : la théorie de l'esprit et les fonctions exécutives. Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 165(8), 290-297.