AutoPlay : An objective system for the evaluation of very young children's ludic development (7320)

Début / Fin
01.01.2017 - 31.12.2018
Domaine(s) d'expertise
Enfance, adolescence, jeunesse
Situations de handicaps, incapacités
Troubles neurodéveloppementaux, autisme
Sources de financement
BREF 2016 "Soziale Innovation"
Rossini-Drecq Emmanuelle (SUPSI - Scuola universitaria professionale de la Svizzera italiana)
Papandrea Michela (SUPSI - Scuola universitaria professionale de la Svizzera italiana)
Faraci Francesca (SUPSI - Scuola universitaria professionale de la Svizzera italiana)
Thommen Coletti Evelyne (HETSL)
Lien sur le site du projet


AutoPlay project goal is to give emphasis to the importance of «play» since the very early age. It will establish an innovative and powerful methodology for objective and free-of-context conditioning observation of infants' (9-15 months) ludic development. The long term objective of AutoPlay is reaching a social systematic change of how ludic behaviour is observed, analysed and considered for evaluating and identifying early signs of neurodevelopmental disorders and social problems.

The project present a novel and multidisciplinary approach that integrates social, health, technical, informatics, and statistical analysis expertise, aiming at defining a classification methodology for monitoring the toy-usage in infants. To achieve this goal, it exploits a set of augmented toys instrumented with specific sensors, and finally used by infants in a natural ludic environment, in order to characterize playing activities and to identify possible anomalies.

La prof. Evelyne Thommen participe au Comité de suivi de ce projet comme experte.